25 Top Porn Addiction Statistics

A prolonged and consistent view of pornography can wreak devastating consequences on the minds and lives of those affected.

Studies prove that it could shrink a brain portion associated with pleasure.

Other harmful effects of porn include isolation, addiction, as well as twisted beliefs on sexuality and relationships.

In this article, we examine 25 insightful porn addiction statistics drawn from our Porn Addiction Test of 22,143 porn consumers worldwide.

Participants ranged from under 16 to above 75 years old. We’ve divided the statistics into five sections to enhance your comprehension of the findings.

Note: The porn addiction test classifies the survey population into 5 levels on the porn addiction spectrum based on their responses to the test questions. This ranges from 1 (least addicted) to 5 (most addicted). In this article, the former implies the “least potential porn addicts” while the latter refers to the “most potential porn addicts.”

Porn Addiction Test 25 Top Porn Addiction Statistics

Study Demographics

Porn Addiction Test 25 Top Porn Addiction Statistics
Porn Addiction Test 25 Top Porn Addiction Statistics
Porn Addiction Test 25 Top Porn Addiction Statistics

Top 10 Porn Addiction Statistics (Editor’s Pick)

  1. Only 13% of the most potential porn addicts claim they’re able to withdraw from watching porn
  2. A surprising 45% of the most potential porn addicts aged 25–34 have been able to avoid porn for a month or more while trying to quit
  3. 40% of the most potential porn addicts aged 16 and below renege on their promise of not watching porn again
  4. 18% of the most potential porn addicts aged 25–34 consider porn a threat to their job and family
  5. 47% of the most potential porn addicts aged 45–54 hide their sexual/porn taste from others
  6. 25% of the most potential porn addicts admit to watching porn when stressed
  7. Approximately 12% of the least potential porn addicts evoke feelings of frustration if they can’t watch porn
  8. Nearly 17% of the least potential porn addicts aged 25–34 have sexual cravings that are beyond their control
  9. Close to 40% of the most potential porn addicts in the 17–24 age group view porn 500+ times before turning 18
  10. Of the most potential porn addicts aged below 16, only 10% could abstain for just two days in the last year

Section 1

Statistics on the Success Rates of Resisting Porn

Everyone who’s been a regular consumer of porn probably knows how difficult it is to resist the urge to watch porn sometimes. Some consumers attempt quitting altogether, while others try to avoid it for a certain period. Still, many consumers are so ensnared by porn that they can’t resist watching it in risky situations.

This section presents statistics related to porn consumers’ struggles in trying to quit or limit their consumption. 

What percentage of porn viewers successfully abstain?

From our findings, 13% of the most potential porn addicts claim they’re able to withdraw from watching porn, while 29% of them can’t help but watch it regardless of how hard they try to stop. The figures aren’t entirely different for the least potential porn addicts. Notably, 6% of this population successfully abstain, while 36% are so engrossed in the act that they can’t seem to help themselves.

Among the most potential porn addicts, the 45–54 age group were more likely to abstain from porn, as a whopping 20% admitted to doing so. When it comes to the least potential porn addicts, the 65–74 age range find it most challenging to stay away from porn, with a staggering 80% of them claiming so.

How Difficult is it to Quit Porn?

Addiction Level/Difficulty to Quit Very Easy Fairly Easy Intermediate Fairly Difficult Very Difficult
1 6% 10% 21% 28% 36%
2 6% 10% 18% 27% 38%
3 6% 11% 20% 27% 35%
4 6% 9% 19% 28% 39%
5 13% 12% 20% 27% 29%

(Scroll horizontally on tables)

How successfully do consumers resist a strong urge to view porn?

Not very successful at all. About 19% of the least potential porn addicts submit to any strong desire for porn and can do almost anything to fulfill that desire in some cases. Similarly, 23% of these not-so-addicted porn viewers succeed in suppressing any sudden strong urge to watch porn.

When considering the most potential porn addicts, 13% will do almost anything to watch porn, while a surprising 35% can curtail their growing desire to watch porn as they don’t go the extra mile to satisfy their urge.

This shouldn’t be confused with the stats on a viewer’s ability to abstain from porn altogether. Subduing a strong momentary desire doesn’t imply complete abstention. Convenience plays an important role here.

A representation of the success rates of consumers at resisting an urge to watch porn

Level of Addiction/Difficulty Very Easy Fairly Easy Intermediate Fairly Difficult Very Difficult
1 23% 23% 18% 18% 19%
2 22% 20% 21% 17% 20%
3 21% 21% 21% 18% 18%
4 20% 20% 23% 18% 20%
5 35% 23% 16% 13% 13%

How many porn consumers can stay one month or more without viewing porn?

This number or percentage is meager among porn consumers. Only 13% of the least potential and 16% of the most potential porn addicts can do without watching porn for at least a month. Conversely, 42% of the former group and 39% of the latter group can sustain without watching porn for such extensive periods.

These numbers are shocking and demonstrate the extent to which porn consumers are in danger of addiction. However, a surprising 45% of the most potential porn addicts aged 25–34 can do without porn for a month and above, while 42% of the least potential porn addicts in this age range could boast the same feat. 

A representation of how many porn consumers can do without watching porn for at least one month

Level of Addiction Percentage
1 13%
2 14%
3 16%
4 15%
5 16%

How many people break their promise about not watching porn again?

The figures recorded among the least potential porn addicts are pretty surprising — 37% claim to break their promise of not viewing porn again, while 22% were somewhat able to keep their promise. However, among the most potential porn addicts, the values obtained were two-way. About 32% renege on their promise, while another 32% report to keep to their words on not watching porn again.

This likeliness to abjure is more prominent in the most potential porn addicts under 16, with a massive 40% agreeing to this deed.

Difficulty of keeping a promise of not watching porn again among surveyers

Level of Addiction/Difficulty Very Easy Fairly Easy Intermediate Fairly Difficult Very Difficult
1 22% 9% 12% 19% 37%
2 20% 8% 11% 20% 41%
3 19% 8% 12% 21% 40%
4 18% 7% 12% 20% 43%
5 32% 8% 10% 17% 32%

How many people watch porn despite the risk of getting caught?

Porn is so powerful that it can override any restraint people exercise, even in risky situations. Reportedly, 13% of the most potential porn addicts view porn despite being caught; this figure sits at 19% for the least potential porn addicts. However, a more significant percentage (43% of the former group and 33% of the latter group) can resist such temptation.

The ability to resist this temptation is more prominent in the most potential porn addicts aged 55–64, with 86% of them agreeing to this.

Porn viewers’ response to whether they view pornography in risky situations

Level of Addiction YES NO
1 19% 33%
2 18% 33%
3 16% 34%
4 18% 32%
5 13% 43%

Section 2

Statistics on the Influence of Porn on Viewers’ Social Relationships


Among the many consequences of watching porn is its effects on relationships like jobs, family, and friends. Porn consumers struggle a lot in this regard. Many already suspect that watching porn is threatening their careers and family, and others try whatever they can to ensure porn doesn’t interfere with their personal lives.

These addiction statistics will explain what consumers think of porn in terms of relationships in great detail.

What percentage of porn consumers consider it a threat to their jobs or family?

Only about 15% of the most potential and 23% of the least potential porn addicts are of this opinion. Tons of pieces of evidence exist on the harmful effect porn can have on marriages and jobs. Yet, 44% of the former group and 34% of the latter group believe their careers and marriages are safe from the effect of porn, while 14% of both parties are neutral on the topic.

Expectedly, older people feel more threatened by porn than younger viewers. The most potential porn addicts aged 25–34 are more worried about losing their jobs or families, with 18% of them attesting to this. Among the least potential porn addicts, the 65–74 age bracket feel most threatened, with a massive 60% of them admitting so. 

However, only about 13% of the most potential porn addicts under 16 are scared of its effects on their jobs and families, implying a prevalent lack of concern over getting caught viewing porn. This may be because under 16s are less likely to hold jobs or marital relationships.

Level of threat consumers think porn is to their jobs or family

Level of Addiction/Difficulty Very Low Fairly Low Intermediate Fairly High Very High
1 34% 15% 14% 14% 23%
2 32% 14% 14% 16% 23%
3 32% 15% 15% 16% 21%
4 30% 14% 16% 17% 22%
5 44% 16% 14% 12% 15%

What percentage of viewers receive cautionary comments against porn viewing?

Only 7% of the most potential and 11% of the least potential porn addicts have been admonished against that habit. This low disapproval rate represents a significant problem contributing to porn addiction.

A staggering 70% of the most potential and 61% of the least potential porn addicts across all age groups never received any advice against their viewing habits. Perhaps people generally do not look upon porn as the negative and psychologically destabilizing agent that it is.

The study found that older people are way less likely to receive such warnings than younger viewers, with 0 porn addicts aged 65+ agreeing to being cautioned against it.

Porn viewers’ response to whether or not they’ve been cautioned against watching porn

Level of Addiction YES NO
1 11% 61%
2 11% 59%
3 10% 60%
4 10% 59%
5 7% 70%

How secretive are porn consumers about their sexual tastes?

At least 39% of the most potential porn addicts and 21% of the least potential porn addicts keep their sexual preferences secret from those around them. This apparent difference between both ends of the addiction spectrum may explain why porn addicts have difficulty quitting, as they’re less likely to receive caution against this habit.

A surprising 47% of the most potential porn addicts aged 45–54 and 45% of the 25–34 age bracket agree to keeping their sexual tastes from others. This figure sits at 43% for those under 16 — possibly due to the fear of being cautioned by their parents.

Varying levels of secretiveness on sexual tastes among porn viewers

Level of Addiction/Secretiveness Not Secretive Fairly Open Intermediate Fairly Secretive
Very Secretive
1 24% 18% 18% 19% 21%
2 22% 19% 19% 18% 21%
3 23% 19% 19% 19% 20%
4 19% 20% 21% 20% 19%
5 11% 11% 14% 22% 39%

What percentage of porn viewers feel uncomfortable about their families and friends finding out?

Expectedly, 35% of the most potential and 45% of the least potential porn addicts say they would feel highly uncomfortable were their families and friends found out about their porn habits. However, 15% of the former group say they wouldn’t feel uncomfortable at all.

Among the most potential porn addicts, the under 16s feel the most threatened by this, with a significant 55% of them claiming so.

Porn viewers’ reaction to their families and friends discovering about their habit

Level of Addiction Uncomfortable Comfortable
1 45% 13%
2 46% 12%
3 45% 13%
4 46% 12%
5 36% 15%

Section 3

Statistics on the Influence of Porn on Mood and Emotions

Many studies warn about the emotional effects of pornography. Most consumers feel this already, as we can see from the result of our survey where 22,000+ viewers shared their thoughts about porn and its emotional effects. In this section, we’ll discuss some exciting stats on the emotional impact of porn as understood by its consumers.

 What link exists between stress and pornography?

About 25% of the most potential and 32% of the least potential porn addicts admit to watching porn when stressed. A massive 46% of the former group aged 25–34 and 33% of those in the 45–54 age bracket admit to this behavior. This may be due to the significant level of stress these individuals face from work and life in general, causing them to resort to porn as a way to relax.

Likeliness of consumers to view porn when stressed

Level of Addiction/Likeliness to view when stressed Not likely Fairly Unlikely Intermediate Fairly Likely Very Likely
1 16% 12% 19% 21% 32%
2 16% 11% 18% 23% 31%
3 15% 12% 20% 24% 30%
4 15% 10% 18% 24% 34%
5 21% 12% 19% 23% 25%

Do porn consumers feel guilty about enjoying a particular porn genre?

Not every viewer feels guilt after watching porn, but this study shows that 32% of the most potential and 36% of the least potential porn addicts feel guilt due to the genre of porn they enjoy watching. This behavior is prevalent among those aged 34 and below in the former group, with at least 30% of them agreeing to this.

Guilt experienced by porn viewers due to the genre they enjoy watching

Level of Addiction/Guilt Very Low Fairly Low Intermediate Fairly High Very High
1 20% 13% 153% 17% 36%
2 19% 11% 15% 18% 37%
3 19% 12% 16% 18% 36%
4 19% 12% 16% 17% 36%
5 23% 12% 16% 17% 32%

What’s the extent of mental distraction porn viewing causes?

About 11% of the most potential porn addicts have difficulty focusing on tasks because their minds are preoccupied with sexual thoughts, images, or fantasies. This figure shoots to 17% among the least potential porn addicts.

Notably, 15% of the most potential porn addicts aged 16 and below battle with distraction due to sexual thoughts and fantasies. This may be because of the excitement porn adds to their lives.

A Level of mental distraction porn viewers experience due to sexual thoughts, images, or fantasies

Level of Addiction/Likeliness Very Low Fairly Low Intermediate Fairly High Very High
1 20% 23% 24% 16% 17%
2 19% 24% 24% 17% 16%
3 19% 23% 24% 18% 16%
4 19% 22% 24% 19% 16%
5 26% 23% 23% 16% 11%

What do porn consumers think about its emotional effects?

Porn viewers are likely to experience depression, anger, pervasive anxiety, mood swings, and fearfulness. About 22% of the least potential and 19% of the most potential porn addicts believe that it negatively affects their emotional response to situations.

Among those aged 16 and below in the latter group, this figure is unusually high, with 35% of them admitting so.

How likely porn may provoke a dysfunctional emotional response among viewers

Level of Addiction/Likeliness Not likely Fairly Unlikely Intermediate Fairly Likely Very Likely
1 31% 17% 17% 13% 22%
2 27% 17% 18% 16% 22%
3 28% 17% 18% 16% 21%
4 27% 18% 18% 16% 22%
5 32% 16% 17% 14% 19%

What effect does porn have on its viewers’ self-esteem?

About 27% of the most potential porn addicts believe that pornography consumption lowers their sense of self-worth. The figure isn’t so different for the least potential porn addicts — about 28%. This isn’t surprising given the level of guilt, shame, and loss of personal integrity porn viewers usually face.

This belief is more prevalent among the most potential porn addicts aged 25–34, with a staggering 35% of them agreeing to this. However, another 27% of this group admit that it doesn’t affect their level of self-esteem, probably because they’re accustomed to the habit already and don’t see any wrong in it.

Porn viewers’ response to the damaging effect porn has on their self-esteem

Level of Addiction Porn affects my self-esteem Porn doesn’t affect my self-esteem
1 28% 21%
2 30% 19%
3 31% 19%
4 34% 16%
5 27% 27%

How many porn consumers get frustrated if they can’t watch porn?

Frustration caused by a lack of porn occurs among a significant percentage of consumers — 7% of the most potential and 12% of the least potential porn addicts. However, 45% of the former group and 35% of the latter group can still feel normal despite not viewing porn, implying substantial control over their emotions.

Younger viewers are more likely to feel frustrated by a lack of access to porn, with 13% of the most potential porn addicts aged 16 and below evoking emotions of frustration due to this.

How many porn viewers would feel unlovable if others knew about their porn habits?

About 32% of the least potential and 23% of the most potential porn addicts believe they’ll be unloveable if others knew about their practices. On the flip side, 21% of the former group and 28% of the latter group signify a contrary opinion.

The majority of those that admit to feeling unlovable should others discover their porn habits are aged 16 and below. Notably, 35% of the most potential porn addicts in this age group attest to this.

A representation of how porn viewers would feel if others discovered their porn habits

Level of Addiction/Lovability Very Lovable Fairly Lovable Intermediate Fairly Unlovable Very Unlovable
1 21% 14% 17% 16% 32%
2 20% 13% 15% 18% 34%
3 19% 13% 16% 19% 33%
4 19% 14% 17% 19% 32%
5 28% 17% 14% 18% 23%

How much influence does pornography wield on its viewers’ lives?

The impact of pornography is mainly destructive whether to our sexual health, relationship, emotions, psychology, and even physical health. Notably, 14% of the least potential and 7% of the most potential porn addicts believe porn has a very significant effect on their lives. Our studies show that a staggering 50% of the latter group aged 65–74 admit to this. The figure is the same among the former group as well.

A representation of the effect porn has on its viewers’ lives (1 = very little and 7 = very significant)

Level of Addiction/Effect 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 7% 10% 17% 20% 20% 11% 14%
2 7% 11% 14% 19% 22% 13% 14%
3 7% 10% 15% 20% 21% 13% 13%
4 7% 8% 14% 19% 24% 14% 14%
5 12% 12% 18% 20% 20% 11% 8%


Section 4

Statistics on the Effect of Porn on Its Viewers’ Sexual Lives

A strong link exists between porn and sex cravings. It can affect viewers’ sexual abilities in very detrimental ways. This section examines a couple of statistics on the effect of porn on its viewers’ sex drives as felt by a sizeable portion of the consumer base.

What’s the relationship between porn viewing and sexual cravings?

About 19% of the least potential and 15% of the most potential porn addicts have sexual cravings beyond their control. This feeling is prevalent in those aged 16 and below in the former group, with 25% agreeing. Another 17% of this group aged 25–34 admit to having such feelings.

Conversely, 28% of the most potential and 21% of the least potential porn addicts admit to not having such uncontrollable sexual cravings.

A representation of porn viewers’ response to whether porn causes uncontrollable sexual cravings

Level of Addiction YES NO
1 19% 21%
2 19% 20%
3 18% 20%
4 18% 18%
5 15% 28%

Do porn consumers feel overpowered by their sexual urge and desire for porn?

Quite a large percentage of porn consumers believe their sexual urge makes it impossible to quit viewing porn. Some 27% of the least potential and 21% of the most potential porn addicts can’t control their desire for porn and think they may never overcome this problem.

This belief is exceptionally prevalent among those aged 16 and below and those aged 25–34 in the latter group, with 33% and 25% of them verifying this claim, respectively.

On the contrary, 30% of the most potential and 26% of the least potential porn addicts believe their sexual urge isn’t overpowering enough to make them think they might not be able to stop watching porn in the future.

A representation of how a strong sexual urge make porn viewers believe they may not be able to quit

Addiction/Belief Very Low Fairly Low Intermediate Fairly High Very High
1 26% 16% 14% 17% 27%
2 23% 15% 16% 20% 27%
3 23% 14% 17% 20% 27%
4 20% 13% 16% 21% 30%
5 30% 20% 13% 16% 21%

Section 5

Statistics on the Frequency and Duration of Watching Porn


Porn consumers vary in how often they watch porn. This section presents insightful stats on the frequency of viewing porn among different age groups and at different times. It also includes findings on the duration per episode among specific age groups.

How often do porn consumers view porn before age 18?

Among the most potential porn addicts, 35% view porn 500+ times before clocking 18. However, this figure jumps to 41% for the least potential porn addicts. Such high figures may be due to the ease with which porn is viewed today — over the internet and via mobile phones and computers.

A worrying trend is that among the 17–24 age group, 40% of the most potential and 46% of the least potential porn addicts view porn 500+ times before turning 18. On the other hand, only 9% of the former group and 8% of the latter group admit to viewing porn less than 10 times before 18.

Number of times porn consumers seek out pornography before clocking 18

Group/Frequency <10 10–100 100–500 500″}”>>500
All Levels 10% 23% 29% 37%

How many times do porn consumers view pornography in their life?

While there isn’t a straight answer to this question, our study indicates that a mouthwatering 71% of the most potential porn addicts view porn 500+ times throughout their lives. The figure is no different for the least potential most potential, sitting at a comfortable 72%.

The prevalence is relatively high among the most potential porn addicts aged 17–24, with at least 60% of them admitting to watching porn over 500 times in their life. More concerning is that a surprising 53% of those aged 16 and below in this group admit to having watched porn 51–500 times throughout their lives. This means that the majority will likely continue this act for more extended periods.

On the contrary, only a tiny fraction (1%) of the most potential and the least potential porn addicts admit to viewing porn less than 10 times throughout their lives.

Number of times porn consumers view porn throughout their lives

Group/Frequency <10 10–50 51–500 500″}”>>500
All Levels 1% 0% 24% 71%

How much time do porn viewers devote to one episode?

Among the most potential porn addicts, the majority (33%) spend between 11 and 30 minutes per episode. However, for the least potential porn addicts, 32% devote 11–30 minutes per episode, while another 32% spend 30+ minutes per episode.

The age group that tends to spend the most time per episode across most levels of the addiction spectrum is the 55–64 age bracket. Notably, 43% of the most potential and 68% of the least potential porn addicts in this age group spend 30+ minutes per episode.

A possible explanation for the lesser amount of time that the most potential porn addicts spend on a porn episode may be that they take a lesser time to climax, given that they’ve engaged in this practice for extensive periods.

On the other hand, the least potential porn addict populace tends to spend a longer time per episode, possibly due to the lengthier time it may take them to climax as their brains are still in the process of getting accustomed to porn. This means they tend to enjoy porn better than core addicts.

Duration of porn viewing per episode among consumers

Group/Duration <5 Minutes 5–10 Minutes 11–30 Minutes 30 Minutes”}”>>30 Minutes
All Levels 12% 25% 31% 31%

How often do porn consumers view porn in a month?

Among the most potential porn addicts, 43% admit to viewing porn 1–10 times in the last month, while 34% go as high as 11–30 occasions. However, among the least potential porn addicts, the majority (37%) admit to viewing porn on 11–30 occasions in the previous month.

A substantial 19% of the most potential porn addicts aged 25–34 admit to viewing porn more than 30 times in the last month.

Frequency of viewing porn in the previous month among porn consumers

Group/Occasions Number 0 1–10 11–30 30″}”>>30
All Levels 5% 35% 37% 23%

What’s the longest period porn consumers avoid porn in a year?

A surprising 48% of the most potential porn addicts claim they’re able to do without porn in the last year for one month and above, while 37% admit they could only do so for a week. Similarly, among the least potential porn addicts, 37% could abstain from porn for one month and above, while another 39% could do so for only a week in the last year.

This level of control and suppression of urge among porn viewers is quite surprising given the high level of sexual desire that exists among them. Among the most potential porn addicts, only 10% of those aged 16 and below could abstain for just two days in the last year. Additionally, 71% of those aged 55–64 in this group could abstain for at least one month in the past year.

How long porn viewers could abstain from porn in the last year

Group/Abstinence 2 Days 3–6 Days 1 Week
1 month and above
All Levels 7% 13% 38% 42%

What’s the most frequent age at which porn consumers first come in contact with porn?

Most porn viewers first came in contact with pornography at the 9–12 age range. Notably, 42% of the most potential and 45% of the least potential porn addicts attest to this revelation. This is closely followed by the 13–16 age range, with 41% of the former group and 36% of the latter group confirming this claim.

More worrying is that a substantial 12% of the most potential porn addicts were introduced before they turned 9. This may be attributed to the ease with which almost anyone can access these materials on the internet. Hence, this calls for increased caution amongst parents on the type of information they allow their kids access to.

Age ranges at which porn viewers first came in contact with pornography

Level/Age <9 Years 9–12 Years 13–16 Years 17 Years”}”>>17 Years
All Levels 13% 40% 40% 7%

Frequently Asked Questions

What are addiction withdrawal symptoms?

Pornography addiction is, as you might expect, the state of being addicted, dependent, and/or ‘hooked’ on pornography. Most people with porn addiction are also addicted to the porn-masturbation-orgasm pathway, more commonly known as PMO.

Porn addiction may be carried out in the shadows, so to speak, but its aftereffects can easily trickle into every facet of your life. Porn addiction is known for its ability to damage mental health, physical health (especially sexual performance), and even spiritual health! It can damage your relationships and make you insensitive to your loved ones, too.

Other symptoms of porn addiction include:

  • Sexual infidelity
  • Random mood swings
  • Uncontrollable porn use
  • Compulsive porn viewing
  • Boredom-driven porn use
  • Unwanted lustful thoughts
  • Extreme difficulty quitting porn

You can learn more here.

How to break an addiction

There are a few primary methods you can use while trying to kick any addiction, including pornography use.

  1. Change your habits: Remove the cause of the urge to do the thing.
  2. Change your Environment: Change the place that urges you to do the thing.
  3. Be clear on why: Have an honest conversation with yourself on how the habit is affecting you and your quality of life.
  4. Imagine a life past the addiction: Spend time visualizing your life without the nagging addiction.

You can learn more how to quit porn here.


In this lengthy post, we’ve seen 25 different porn addiction statistics about consumers of pornography and the effect porn is having on them. These stats are straight from a comprehensive online study of 22,143 porn consumers worldwide.

One fact is immediately evident after reviewing the responses to the study — porn is having a devastating effect on all users. However, this effect varies with age, marital and employment status, porn genre, and frequency of use

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