10 Best Videos on Porn Addiction

We have researched, studied, reviewed, and dug deep to uncover the best videos on porn addiction the web has to offer. In this list, which is completely random and not ranked at this time, we provide educational, inspirational, personal recovery videos and more. Each of these videos offer a unique perspective and uncovering the truth about pornography.

While you will see and hear from scientists, parents, prior performers, and the average “users”, each of these videos has been selected for the specific things the video has to teach us in our own journeys.

As a side note, you may be wondering how we have been able to do research on pornography addiction without coming across explicit content ourselves. We are thankful for software that blocks explicit content.

Through the use of those software tools and intelligent searching, we avoided viewing of any pornography content at all. We did come across a few videos that used suggestive imagery to tell their pornography addiction stories and we decided not to include those in this list as the content did not provide anything new that is not already covered.

We are committed to helping you stay away from images that may cause you to feel the urge to open up a pornographic site for “just one more time”.

As you go through this list, please take the time to comment and let us know which one has helped you the most.

Again, in random order, here are..

The Best Videos on Pornography Addiction…

1) Fight the New Drug: A Movement for Love

Fight the New Drug, has an entire website and YouTube channel dedicated to providing education on what pornography does to the brain. Here, you see 4 college-age kids, having a frank and open discussion about porn.  Admittedly they realized this was not a “normal” conversation, but they had enough boldness and honesty to ask the tough questions of each other in what is normally a very vulnerable time of their lives.

This video presents who they are, what they do, and of consequence, why they feel so passionate about this topic.  As a result of their honest discussions with each other, they have launched a non-profit based solely on science, facts and personal accounts.

The New Drug

The concept is fairly simple.  Take a known addict to a known drug and study behaviors and what happens inside the brain as a result of exposure and use of the known drug.  Now, take that same template and study a habitual user of porn, study behaviors and what happens inside the brain as a result of exposure and use of pornography and masturbation.   As the comparisons quickly pile up see if you come to the same conclusion, as this group of guys, and so many others have, that pornography is a new drug.  Of note, there are a number of celebrities that are coming out and sharing their stories of recovery from addiction to pornography and how their living porn-free lives has given them much more freedom and control.


Opening up in honest conversations with a friend is foundational to finding freedom.  Just as this group of friends crossed the societal barrier of what is uncomfortable and awkward, so too can you.  The rewards are plentiful when you are able to take an honest inward look and share outwardly with a friend you have learned to trust.  If you don’t have someone in your life that you feel comfortable sharing your struggles, it is okay.  Start with something small and begin building transparency in your life.  Transparency will build trust and soon you will be able to share honestly and get help.  We are here to help you in your journey and no matter where you are or what you need, you are not alone.

2) Porn Kills Love

It is interesting how something that starts “innocently” can completely shatter our innocence. This video reveals how desperation led down a path of secrecy and, in his own words, “prostitution”.

In the 1980’s, Greg moved to California to become an actor. When the writer’s strike hit, Greg was forced to find other work. Starving and broke, Greg had no idea that one business card would lead him to becoming “the most popular, most decorated male porn star of all time.”


Greg reveals how his cycle of addiction crippled him from viewing women, sex, and ultimately himself in the way that is intended. His story is also one of hope. It does not matter how far you have gone, you can always change, recover, and be free. As Greg states, “If [he] can change [his] heart, then anybody can”.

Start your freedom discovery HERE.

3) The Great Porn Experiment

In our search for The Best Videos on Porn Addiction, we could not miss the overwhelming search results that took us to a 2012 Tedx Talk by physiology teacher, Gary Wilson. It currently has nearly 13 million views and counting.  Mr. Wilson presents some clear and convincing information that makes a lot of sense for anyone that has been a habitual user of pornography.  In fact, as you listen to his presentation, you will most likely hear a lot of things that finally answer the question…”Why do I feel like I need to watch porn?” or, “Why can’t I stop watching porn when I really want to stop?

The debate on “this is how I am made” versus “this is my choice” is an underlying question that many have tried to answer through science, study, and self-reflection.  Some believe we are compelled to do what we do and others are convinced that each action is a result of our free will and choice to participate in various activities that comes are way each day.

Of important note on this video, Wilson makes reference to many articles and studies on the topics of how our brain responds to exposure to known addictive things.  In making his assertions, Wilson describes this Great Porn Experiment as one that society has collectively taken and not necessarily one that he has done specifically.  That does not make his analysis invalid, but some have taken the title of “experiment” to critique his talk.


This talk made our list of top videos on porn addiction because it is one that exposes truths about how our brain works and what happens when we are addicted to porn, but also what happens when we shift to a porn-free lifestyle.  You are invited to watch the video and then try a porn-free experiment for yourself.  It is not a question of what do you have to lose but a discovery of all you have to gain.  We’ll help you on your journey to freedom.

4) Escaping Porn with Eli Nash

Escape Route

The society we live in places a high value on the engagement rate in regards to shame.  For example, the greater the fame, the great the fall, and so the more clicks, likes, and shares that story will receive.

All the more reason the successful go out of their way to hide and avoid topics that may bring unwanted attention to their names, businesses, and families.

We, at PAT, value honesty without shame.  In this video, we take courage from someone who has achieved success in business, but is unwilling to let societal shame stop him from changing personally and effecting change in the lives of others.

Eli Nash is a successful entrepreneur that has taken a company from startup to over $200M in revenue.  Certainly, he has a lot to “lose” when it comes to opening up in honesty about what some would consider a “shameful disclosure”.

The honesty presented here is not for any type of sensationalism, but reveals how an authentic reflection on one’s life story can help change what would seem to destine one to a life of shame to a shift to a life of success and helping others overcome.


Eli discusses a key component to his success that can be replicated in anyone’s life that finds themselves habitually using porn.  While there may be times of pause from porn, the addict (or habitual user) will always find ways back to porn.  No deal-making (as Eli tried) will end in success until you realize this important shift that needs to take place.  Each one’s journey will have a different pathway to freedom but there will be some similarities that we must realize and take part in to escape their addiction and walk without being bound to their default place of false comfort.  The shift from shame as so practically presented in this video is one that we all can benefit from.  As you begin and learn from Eli’s success, please know that we are here for you as well.

5) Is CSBD a Real Thing?

This really happened.  In this video, Casper Schmidt tells a story of an addict to pornography and how that addiction caused a man to act out in a way that we know should not happen, but have seen happen too many times.  Dr. Schmidt has a PhD in Clinical Neuroscience and his work has led to improve the options of many dealing with addictive behaviors, including those brought about by pornography.

Disease Status

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder starts with the addiction to pornography and leads people to a place they never imagined they would be.  The world’s largest survey on sexual health has just established that around 20% of men between 15-89 years old watch more porn than they want to.

Most of us, to some degree, repeat some behaviors that we know are harmful to ourselves – but why do some people let their lives be ruined by addiction?  In this talk from TEDxAarhus, 2019, Dr. Casper Schmidt shares how the brain changes when watching porn.  His fascination with the brain fueled his studies on this topic, which has led to remarkable results.

Based on his neuroscientific research, Casper Schmidt established some of the earliest neurobiological markers of porn addiction โ€“ which in June 2018 helped lead to its inclusion in the World Health Organizationโ€™s list of diseases, opening new doors for treatment of this group of individuals.


Because of this designation, treatment options never before available are helping addicts around the world get the freedom they need and long for.  The stigmatism is giving way to truth.  Take our FREE test by clicking HERE and begin your freedom journey.   We are here for you.

6) Our Future Is Failing

Fifty percent of boys live in a fatherless home.  This is not a statistic on where we are heading.  This is where we are now.  Philip Zimbardo, known for his research on the demise of guys, offers hope for the future in this impactful video.


This video is not just about pornography addiction, but does include some important facts about young men’s habits around screen-time, including pornography.  Before he presents his solutions, Mr. Zimbardo lays out some sobering statistics:

“Young men are twenty-five percent more likely than young women to live at home with their parents”

“Fatherless children grow up in a lower socioeconomic-status”

“Even boys with fathers, spend just 30 minutes per week in conversation with their fathers compared to 44 hours in front of a digital screen”

Boys are opting out of what they view as the confusing real world and spending time in virtual worlds they consider ‘safe’.

“Why boys are failing.” YouTube, uploaded by TedX Talks.


There is hope.  There is a way to change the trajectory of failing boys to help them become leading men.  The great part of this is that all can help.  Active men and involved fathers will certainly have an impact, but mothers, sisters, friends, teachers, and more can all help make positive change in our young men’s lives.

7) A Porn Addiction Story

Noah B.E. Church, unveils his journey into porn, sex, addiction, and fortunately recovery. No, his name does not mean that he is associated with a church or religious group. In fact, he speaks bluntly and uses frank language to reveal his truth.

Noah is speaking in a “stand-up comedy” style and brings humor while also revealing the shame involved in his personal, sexual discovery story. His story starts like so many; a pre-teen, curious and discovering seemingly innocent, naked images led him down a path of impotence, addiction, and a desire for darker pornographic themes.

While feeling broken and unable to perform, he discovered a key to freedom.


As you watch Noah’s story of recovery and healing, know that we are here to help you realize you can also have this same success. Reach out to us. We are HERE for you.

8) The Big One (or Not So Big One)

So far, the videos presented have taken us from honest self discoveries to personal stories of how being “in the industry” caused continuing harm. In this video, Gary Wilson (also from Video Three in this lineup) takes a very in-depth, scientific approach to explain the truth about what naturally will happen to our bodies and brains from using porn.

Gary explains how chronic use of internet porn can lead to erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation, anorgasmia, loss of libido, and morphing sexual tastes. Men who have healed these conditions are presented in one of our longest videos we have selected.


While this video is just under an hour, we highly recommend that you review and listen to the entire presentation, even if you break this up over time. The scientific approach and heavy use of PowerPoint type slides can make this feel like you are in school, the content is very important to take in and dwell on when you compare your past or current use of porn and what it means for you now and in the future. Whether you are just finding you have a porn addiction problem or you feel like you are not addicted, but are experiencing some performance issues, we encourage you to take the Porn Addiction Test. We are here to help you in your journey.

9) Your Brain On Porn

We came across this new series (published within the last 5 months) that explores the Neuroscience behind porn addiction and how to overcome it.  This one video with four parts is a very informative and clear presentation using images and statistics to support the research.

Part 1 is about the introduction and discusses why porn addiction is so uniquely addictive as porn uses inbuilt wiring in our brains to take over our brains.

Part 2 discusses the Coolidge Effect.  If you are not familiar with this, please make sure you don’t scroll past or tune out during this section.  It is highly informative and may give some of you the moment of, “Aha!  Finally, that explains what “is wrong with me”.   It also explains why your brain is not ready to resist this addiction instead it has been trained to embrace this addiction.

Part 3 is about the limbic brain.  In this part we learn about different parts of our brain and why we do/feel/sense the things we do.  While this may sound overwhelmingly medical, it is not.  The clear presentation of how we are made is presented in a way that helps you make sense of just what is happening up in our brains.

Part 4 is about dopamine and how porn and dopamine work together to put a binding on our behaviors that makes it so difficult to quit.  


This could be the best 25 minutes you spend in watching videos to help you finally understand what is happening in your brain.  If you are a visual learner, like graphs, statistics, and also enjoy animated drawings to help in your education, this video with four parts should make the top of your list.

10) The Science of Pornography Addiction

Pornography – It’s the number one topic for internet searches. This quick, 3 minute video ask the question if we ever consider how pornography can have lasting neuroplastic effects? We admit, we didn’t use to consider what neuroplastic effects are or if we should even care until we began our journey of being free from porn addiction

So, very briefly, neuroplasticity refers to the brainโ€™s ability to adapt or the physiological changes in the brain that happen as a result of our interactions with our environment. And what does that have to do with someone watching porn? This short and concise video will help you discover the hard science behind the ‘porn epidemic’. It really is humanity’s internet drug of choice.


Please don’t take this final video as not worth viewing. We kept this selection short because we wanted to make sure those who made it to the end, or just skipped to the end found some valuable and succint information presented. Give this one a look and listen. We hope you find as much eye-opening information as we have.


Ten videos? Did we really need ten? Trust me, we have viewed hundreds of videos on this subject. Take a moment and pause over that. There are hundreds of videos out there, probably thousands dealing with the subject of pornography addiction. These videos come from all walks of life. Scientists, religious minded individuals, past performers, concerned parents, recovering addicts and more. The variety of how the content is presented is just as varied as the stories they bring through their experiences.

We encourage you to bookmark this page, come back often and make sure you watch these videos. We hope you experience the jaw-dropping, eye-popping, light-bulb going off moments that we have. These videos and more have helped many on our team discover freedom and empowerment through the knowledge of what has been happening in our brain during our addictive behaviors.

We are here for you. If you have questions, comments, or what to share a video with us that you have found helpful, please contact us HERE.

And if you haven’t taken the test yet, you can take it here.


Are there similarities between the brainโ€™s response to alcohol and drugs to the brainโ€™s response to addictive online activities like gaming and watching porn?  

Yes, as you will see in some of these videos, extensive, scientific research has been done to identify what chemicals are being released in the brain when watching porn and masturbating.  

Is sex addiction really a thing, or is it just selfish people wanting to do what they want to do?  

The World Health Organization (WHO) actually added Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD) to itโ€™s list of diseases in 2018.  They have confirmed this is more than just a habit or selfish preference, but in some cases it is scientifically proven to be a disease.

Does watching soft porn lead you to watch  hardcore porn?  

There is a biological phenomenon known as the Coolidge effect where we get โ€œtiredโ€ of sexual experiences when we have access to a variety of other sexual opportunities.  In porn, what the millions of videos and types of visual sexual experiences at our fingertips, pornographer consumers can certainly grow from soft porn viewers to hardcore addicts.  

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