5 Best Books On Porn Addiction

Are you tired of being stuck in a bad habit loop?  Do you live day-in and day-out with a generally unhealthy lifestyle?  Maybe porn is part of your struggle.  Maybe you would consider yourself having difficulty staying away from pornography? Trust me, you’re not alone. More and more people develop unhealthy habits every single day.  Technology, and it’s ever-present pull at our fingertips,  has a way of making freedom from addictions with a digital gateway extremely difficult.   

5 Best Books We’ve Found

  1. Your Brain On Porn by Gary Wilson
  2. Breaking the Cycle by Collins MA, George
  3. The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography by Wendy and Larry Maltz
  4. The Porn Myth: Exposing The Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography By Matt Fradd
  5. Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery, by Kevin B. Skinner, Ph.D

If you’d like to evaluate your potential addiction to pornography, take our test here.

For years, decades even, the topic of pornography was “taboo” in some circles, but even those who came from a more liberal perspective did not have any idea how addiction to pornography could happen or the negative side-effects that pornography brings.  Scientists, psychologists, no-fappers, geeks, nerds and highly educated people, are producing books about porn addiction so that you can begin moving towards a more healthy lifestyle. Since you’re on this website, there is a chance that you know the cons of being addicted to pornography.

In this article, we will be taking a look at why these books have the potential to change your habit(s) (regardless if you consider them bad, unhealthy, or just distracting), and how you can actually implement change in your life. We will also be looking at which book might suit you best, at this moment in your life. So, read on –  let’s get to it! 

5 Porn Addiction Books

#1 Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction by Gary Wilson

Porn addiction books

This book is a classic on Pornography.  Published in 2015, it still carries with it relevant themes as we enter this new decade.  The books is available in a 224 pages long paperback format or as an audiobook via Audible. Gary Wilson has been on a Ted Talk as well on a very well-watched video called, “The great porn experiment”.  We highly recommend you watch that video before you read the book. You can watch it right here.

Your Brain on Porn, also known as YBOP, is filled with scientifically researched and proven data about pornography and the effect pornography has on men and women, all over the world. You may find yourself in awe and wonderment how someone knows what is going on inside your brain while reading this book. It is one of the best complete guides on how to deal with porn withdrawal symptoms, how to recover in the best way and how to master your body.  This book goes in depth with a lot of the science that has been done on the effect of pornography on the brain. You will be shown how pornography is a fake reward habit that we unknowingly setup and how we can deal with this vicious cycle, in the best way possible. 

If you want to keep up your energy in life, your motivation, and a life filled with joy, this is an absolutely must read book.  You will be provided with essential knowledge on how to master the inner you. It’s one of the the best tools you have, I would say, in your battle against pornography addiction and PMO. This one is an easy read, and heck, it’s only 224 pages. 

This book is also a great one for “beginners” (or those who are new in the concept of pornography addiction) as well as people who are well on their way on the journey of letting go of pornography.  As one reviewer said, “it’s like a Swiss knife for your life and mental well-being.  Go grab it now or you will regret it, truly.”

#2 Breaking the Cycle by Collins MA, George

Porn Addiction Books

Breaking the Cycle by Collins MA, George, is a fantastic book, written for the purpose of showing you how to break free from sexual activities such as, going to strip-clubs, paying money for phone sex, watching pornography, etc. Reading this book, and especially figuring out you’re not alone with your problems, can really set you free. Not only that, but George Collins, has also included exercises that will help you with breaking free from the compulsive sexual habits, that you have or may unknowingly be developing. 

This book goes in depth about how specific emotions, which actually have nothing to do with sex, become emotions that we wrongly associate with sexual activity.  This all happens in our minds and spirits in an attempt to try and fill a deeper void inside of ourselves. 

The writing is clear, concise, and compelling –  he really knocks it out of the park with this book. The way he describes the real life scenarios he and his coaching clients have been through… well, it’s hard to describe – you have to read it for yourself! 

Breaking the Cycle, will show you how you can identify your addiction, how you can confront it, and how you can destroy it.  Plus, the exercises that are included are solid gold!

This book is for the addict who spends too much time and money on pornography and/or other sexual habits.  Those who may have a lot of broken relationships with family, friends and partners, but who also wants to reestablish his or her life, move away from pornography and become content and joyful again.

#3 The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography by Wendy and Larry Maltz

Porn addiction books

This amazing and inspiring work, by Wendy And Larry Maltz, is probably the most pragmatic book you’ll come across on pornography addiction. They do an absolutely wonderful job at describing how one can actually identify their addiction, as well as how to deal with it, in the best way possible.

With straightforward clarity, they describe how we can heal from this addiction in a very gentle way, so that we feel understood while reading the book. This can have a tremendous impact in one’s recovery for pornography, sex, and other taboo addictions.  As we know, pornography addiction brings with it a lot of societal shame and secrecy.  This isolation feeling makes one feel alone on the journey of recovery from porn addiction and compounds the difficulty of getting out of the trap.

Wendy and Larry lay out some very practical steps and exercises so that you’ll easily be able to implement these practical steps needed to move towards a healing and recovery from PMO. 

You will also be let in on a lot of personal stories, which just makes it a compelling and awesome read.  If you are like many on our team, you will definitely find yourself relating (and therefore not alone) as you read these stories.  

#4 The Porn Myth: Exposing The Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography By Matt Fradd

Porn addiction books

Matt Fradd is building up a strong scientific resume with his book, The Porn Myth, which includes information from a variety of scientific fields such as: neurology, sociology, psychology and biology. By the use of these fields of study, he shows us how dangerous and destructive pornography is to individuals, relationships and society. 

He shows us how pornography becomes addictive, how it works in our brains and how repetition is key to porn’s destruction in our lives, relationships, spirits, and minds.  However, That same concept of repetition can also be our gateway to freedom. The insights in this book will blow you away as you will learn so much about yourself, your habits, and how the inner you works and operates. It’s a very good foundational book, for the person who is new on the journey to recover from pornography, as it shows you the inner dynamics of how it all works. Matt Fradd also debunks different myths that have been helping the spread of pornography as a “normal thing” in our society today.  Proof is provided in a clear and scientific way, that pornography is unhealthy for the individual and society as a whole.

This book is highly recommended for parents.  If you have children or hope to have children one day, this book will show you ways to effectively teach how the inner mechanics of the mind, brain and body work. 

#5 Treating Pornography Addiction: The Essential Tools for Recovery, by Kevin B. Skinner, Ph.D

Porn addiction books

This masterpiece by Kevin B. Skinner, is an absolutely phenomenal work on porn addiction and how to treat it in a simple, but powerful process. Kevin clearly lays out the framework for how to be able to spot your own addiction and what your unique triggers are. His program is known to be very professional and highly effective.  Of course not all the books listed in this list are for everyone as some writing styles apply better to some specific readers than others and this book is not an exception.  Dr. Skinner’s style is one that is unique but I believe that it will truly help you out if you start to integrate the principles and teachings from this book. 

In addition, it is only 176 pages long, so you could read it in a few days for those of you that want to learn fast and master your addiction as soon as possible. 

Kevin provides an overview of the different stages of addiction, and how intense it is at the specific stages.  This will help you to understand more clearly where you are in the vicious cycle. It’s important to know where you stand, and not make up an illusion that you actually don’t have a problem, when you do, or vice versa. 

Dr. Skinner definitely is an expert on the subject matter and it shows in this book.  For those of you who want to figure out how bad your addiction is or if you are wondering if you even have an addiction to begin with, this book is highly recommended.  Of course, we also recommend you take our pornography addiction test, HERE.  So if you want to know more about your own triggers, addiction and how to overcome it, this masterpiece by Kevin B. Skinner is an absolute must-read!

This is going to be a consistently updated list of the top books that we’ve found on porn addiction.


Are books on porn addiction really scientifically based or are we talking about religious types that feel it is “wrong” or a “sin” to get off by watching porn?

The books we have included in our list are actually books from scientists,  psychologists, and licensed counselors who have been in the scientific field analyzing research-based data.  The books presented here are from a societal perspective and not a religious “propaganda” style approach.

Can I be healed from porn addiction or is it “once and addict always an addict” type of thing?

While we are still learning about addiction to porn, it is certainly something that someone can break free from.  These books do a good job with providing analysis on what is happening in our brains and bodies while habitually watching porn as well as providing tips and tools for stopping an uncontrolled cycle of returning to the behavior patterns.  Caution is always wise and staying out of certain situations is not harmful even after one feels they are no longer addicted.

Are these books textbooks used in higher education school work?

While the content could be used to educate someone from perspective of obtaining a degree, these books are filled not only with research and data but also personal stories and examples of real-life scenarios.  You will find these easily readable and relatable.

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